Wednesday, February 23, 2022

It's Alive! It's Alive (Blog Post #10 EOTO)


Hey Siri!

    Technology has become an integral part of our everyday lives. We utilize it from calculating quick math to looking up information about a certain object. Our phones, computers, apple watches, have become one with us. So it would make sense that technology would become more advanced over time. However, they have reached a point where it slowly becomes movie esc. We have all seen or read about the robot uprising, where the AI becomes so smart and no longer needs us humans to thrive so they begin to take over causing an all out war with humans. While I do not believe this will happen (at least not in my lifetime), there is no doubt that machines will become smarter and more efficient via Machine Learning. 

Boston Dynamic Warned Us


    Machine learning is a subset in AI programming and is essential to how the AI takes in information and learns from it. Through this observation of “Big Data”, which is like the name suggests data that contains a wide variety of information utilized by the AI to develop itself in a certain manner of speaking. To view this action in modern day, let me ask you a question. Do you ever get the feeling that your phone is listening to your conversation? You are talking about toilet paper and when you go on your phone and look at YouTube, the advertisements you receive are about a brand of toilet paper. This right here is machine learning. Instagram and TikTok utilize an incredibly well developed machine learning AI programming that can gather a lot of data more personal to us. 


Live, Learn, Adapt, Repeat


    Let’s dive a bit deeper and review the TikTok algorithm. This highly advanced programming can tell how long it takes you to get bored while on the site, thus it begins to throw at you certain products that can be viewed quickly, thus keeping you constantly interested in what the site has to offer. The algorithm can also tell you what gender you are, your rough age, political viewpoint, and remembers it all, creating a digital profile of you called  the “For You Page”. One of the craziest things about this advanced learning is that it needs no human input to gather the data, it works all on its own. It can read and collect data faster than any human can thus working at a much higher speed collecting data and evolving its AI to a high state of artificial intelligence. 

“Hasta La Vista Baby”


   Furthermore, computers are becoming so advanced that they are beginning to inform humans how to perform certain actions and have even replaced many people in their jobs. In specific terms of healthcare AI can make more precise incisions on a patient and can even give exact diagnoses much faster than some of the most experienced doctors. They have even been proven to find certain dangers hidden in the body such as cancer that is normally overlooked by some doctors. It is increasingly scary to think that one day many jobs will become less human and man made and more AI focused and robot made. The more this machine learns and advances itself the less jobs people will have. The machine can do the job more efficiently and effectively (One does not need to pay a robot as well so it's an investment that will be cheaper in the long run). 

    It may be a bit of stretch…or its the simple fact that I have seen way too many Sci-fi movies, but we should keep a close eye on this ever advancing AI. If it becomes far more advanced than we were prepared for it might screw us all over in the end. We must also not completely rely on these machines and keep human power in the workforce (while not as efficient, they can work in even the harshest conditions unlike most machines). So I recommend you log out of all your personal profiles and have Siri on mute because the machines are learning and listening every moment we open ourselves to them…even when we are unaware of them. This blog is even learning and adapting to what you like to read…I am kidding of course, but that would be funny if it was real. 


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