Saturday, February 19, 2022

The Truth is Out There (Blog Post #8)


These are Not the Answers You're Looking For

    The earth is flat. Search it! There are websites all over the internet proving that the earth is flare, there are even assemblies where members discuss the facts and prove the earth is flat. This is a primary example of the Illusory Truth Effect. The illusory Truth effect otherwise known as the illusion of truth and it is when“we hear the same false information repeated again and again, we often come to believe it is true”.


 One of The Man Lies of our Country's Past 

This idea that if the false information is repeated it can become the truth is incredibly scary. When I begin to think about the implications of its effect on a population I begin to think about the Salem Witch Trials. During the time of 1692 towns were mainly ruled by religious priests/higher ups. When in-explainable actions happened the towns folk looked to the leaders for answers. This is when priests claimed the devil was at hand and how certain town folks were being taunted to head to the devils wishes, the people took hold of the only answer they received and they began to spread the word. This false truth was spread around so much, leaders of towns eventually succumbed to this “truth” and thus the witch trials began. (I highly recommend a read through of “The Crucible”) When putting this theory and viewing the actions in 1692, there is a direct correlation between the two. However, in today’s day and age with the internet the illusion of truth wouldn’t be as strong because unlike back then we have access to all sorts of data and the quote on quote truth. Thus we couldn’t fall victim to the theory. Right?


NASA is Lying to Us 

 While the internet has blessed us with a library of information, it has also opened up the public to create and develop whatever they want. While my example earlier about how the flat earth theory is true was meant as just a joke, in actuality due to the internet many have begun to believe that the earth is actually flat. Despite all of the proof of a spherical earth, the repetition of the flat earth in the farthest corners of the internet had managed to change a few minds that began to change other minds, which started the domino effect. It may be silly, but once the effect begins it is normally increasingly hard to halt the spread of this false information.  

Who is Right and Who is Wrong? 


To be more recent, take the government’s COVID-19 vaccine campaign. While I will not share my own thoughts on the vaccine, this is a primary example of saying something over and over again until eventually people begin to believe the wonders and effects of this vaccine. While the government and scientists don’t necessarily know the long term effects of receiving the vaccine the push it to the public informing the public that the vaccine can prepare and protect their immune system from the COVID-19 virus and all of its variants. While this may be true, it becomes more and more suspicious when cases are still rising and they are still pushing the vaccine to the public saying it works. On the other hand, there are many people who are saying that the vaccine can only cause trouble and are not good for the people to take as it won’t really combat COVID-19. This has caused a divide of people, those who believe in one side and those who believe in the other. This to me is a true showcase of the Illusory Truth Effect. It can unite people together under one “truth”, while it can also divide a group of people under two truths both spread on their respective sides without any real proof being able to shut down one side or the other.


 An Unknowing Presence

This theory has even affected many of us without us even being aware. To bring up an example from my own life. I have been taught by my family that my religion is the truth. I have been raised in a community, where they have all said my religion is the truth and those who disagree are wrong. So of course I believe that my religion is the truth and everyone else who disagrees is wrong (it is almost a bit cultish if you truly think about it). While I am no longer in this environment and think in this way, it was difficult for me to understand any other side of the argument because of that. The Illusory Truth Effect is used everyday and whether you are aware of its presence or not, it can completely disrupt one's belief system and make it hard for their mind to ever be changed. Additionally if the “truth” is a dangerous one it can even get people hurt.  

I personally think that because of all of this information available to us we need to be careful with what we read and do our best to double check the sources and information given from not just places we are familiar with but even sites and or libraries that we are not so familiar thus expanding our own perspective outside our comfort zone that already might be influenced with the wrong “truth”. 



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